Source code for bruges.rockphysics.moduli


Converts between various acoustic/eslatic parameters, and provides a way to
calculate all the elastic moduli from Vp, Vs, and rho.

Created June 2014, Matt Hall

Using equations
from Mavko, G, T Mukerji and J Dvorkin (2003), The Rock Physics Handbook,
Cambridge University Press.
import numpy as np

[docs]def youngs(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, mu=None, lam=None, bulk=None, pr=None, pmod=None): """ Computes Young's modulus given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and mu, or bulk and P moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from lam, mu, bulk, pr, and pmod Returns: Young's modulus in pascals, Pa """ if (vp is not None) and (vs is not None) and (rho is not None): return rho * vs**2 * (3.*vp**2 - 4.*vs**2) / (vp**2 - vs**2) elif (mu is not None) and (lam is not None): return mu * (3.*lam + 2*mu) / (lam + mu) elif (bulk is not None) and (lam is not None): return 9.*bulk * (bulk - lam) / (3.*bulk - lam) elif (bulk is not None) and (mu is not None): return 9.*bulk*mu / (3.*bulk + mu) elif (lam is not None) and (pr is not None): return lam * (1+pr) * (1 - 2*pr) / pr elif (pr is not None) and (mu is not None): return 2. * mu * (1+pr) elif (pr is not None) and (bulk is not None): return 3. * bulk * (1 - 2*pr) else: return None
[docs]def bulk(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, mu=None, lam=None, youngs=None, pr=None, pmod=None): """ Computes bulk modulus given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and mu, or Young's and P moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from lam, mu, youngs, pr, and pmod Returns: Bulk modulus in pascals, Pa """ if (vp is not None) and (vs is not None) and (rho is not None): return rho * (vp**2 - (4./3.)*(vs**2)) elif (mu is not None) and (lam is not None): return lam + 2*mu/3. elif (mu is not None) and (youngs is not None): return youngs * mu / (9.*mu - 3.*youngs) elif (lam is not None) and (pr is not None): return lam * (1+pr) / 3.*pr elif (pr is not None) and (mu is not None): return 2. * mu * (1+pr) / (3. - 6.*pr) elif (pr is not None) and (youngs is not None): return youngs / (3. - 6.*pr) elif (lam is not None) and (youngs is not None): # Note that this returns a tuple. x = np.sqrt(9*lam**2 + 2*youngs*lam + youngs**2) def b(y): return 1/6. * (3*lam + youngs + y) # Strictly, we should return b(x), b(-x) # But actually, the answer is: return b(x) else: return None
[docs]def pr(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, mu=None, lam=None, youngs=None, bulk=None, pmod=None): """ Computes Poisson ratio given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and mu, or Young's and P moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from lam, mu, youngs, bulk, and pmod Returns: Poisson's ratio, dimensionless """ if (vp is not None) and (vs is not None): return (vp**2. - 2.*vs**2) / (2. * (vp**2 - vs**2)) elif (mu is not None) and (lam is not None): return lam / (2. * (lam+mu)) elif (mu is not None) and (youngs is not None): return (youngs / (2.*mu)) - 1 elif (lam is not None) and (bulk is not None): return lam / (3.*bulk - lam) elif (bulk is not None) and (mu is not None): return (3.*bulk - 2*mu) / (6.*bulk + 2*mu) elif (bulk is not None) and (youngs is not None): return (3.*bulk - youngs) / (6.*bulk) elif (lam is not None) and (youngs is not None): # Note that this returns a tuple. x = np.sqrt(9*lam**2 + 2*youngs*lam + youngs**2) def b(y): return (1/(4*lam)) * (-1*lam - youngs + y) # Strictly, we should return b(x), b(-x) # But actually, the answer is: return b(x) else: return None
[docs]def mu(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, pr=None, lam=None, youngs=None, bulk=None, pmod=None): """ Computes shear modulus given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and bulk, or Young's and P moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from lam, bulk, youngs, pr, and pmod Returns: Shear modulus in pascals, Pa """ if (vs is not None) and (rho is not None): return rho * vs**2 elif (bulk is not None) and (lam is not None): return 3. * (bulk - lam) / 2. elif (bulk is not None) and (youngs is not None): return 3. * bulk * youngs / (9.*bulk - youngs) elif (lam is not None) and (pr is not None): return lam * (1 - 2.*pr) / (2.*pr) elif (pr is not None) and (youngs is not None): return youngs / (2. * (1 + pr)) elif (pr is not None) and (bulk is not None): return 3. * bulk * (1 - 2*pr) / (2. * (1 + pr)) elif (lam is not None) and (youngs is not None): # Note that this returns a tuple. x = np.sqrt(9*lam**2 + 2*youngs*lam + youngs**2) def b(y): return 1/4. * (-3*lam + youngs + y) # Strictly, we should return b(x), b(-x) # But actually, the answer is: return b(x) else: return None
[docs]def lam(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, pr=None, mu=None, youngs=None, bulk=None, pmod=None): """ Computes lambda given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. bulk and mu, or Young's and P moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from bulk, mu, youngs, pr, and pmod Returns: Lambda in pascals, Pa """ if (vp is not None) and (vs is not None) and (rho is not None): return rho * (vp**2 - 2.*vs**2.) elif (youngs is not None) and (mu is not None): return mu * (youngs - 2.*mu) / (3.*mu - youngs) elif (bulk is not None) and (mu is not None): return bulk - (2.*mu/3.) elif (bulk is not None) and (youngs is not None): return 3. * bulk * (3*bulk - youngs) / (9*bulk - youngs) elif (pr is not None) and (mu is not None): return 2. * pr * mu / (1 - 2.*pr) elif (pr is not None) and (youngs is not None): return pr * youngs / ((1+pr) * (1-2*pr)) elif (pr is not None) and (bulk is not None): return 3. * bulk * pr / (1+pr) else: return None
[docs]def pmod(vp=None, vs=None, rho=None, pr=None, mu=None, lam=None, youngs=None, bulk=None): """ Computes P-wave modulus given either Vp, Vs, and rho, or any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and mu, or Young's and bulk moduli). SI units only. Args: vp, vs, and rho or any 2 from lam, mu, youngs, pr, and bulk Returns: P-wave modulus in pascals, Pa """ if (vp is not None) and (rho is not None): return rho * vp**2 elif (lam is not None) and (mu is not None): return lam + 2*mu elif (youngs is not None) and (mu is not None): return mu * (4.*mu - youngs) / (3.*mu - youngs) elif (bulk is not None) and (lam is not None): return 3*bulk - 2.*lam elif (bulk is not None) and (mu is not None): return bulk + (4.*mu/3.) elif (bulk is not None) and (youngs is not None): return 3. * bulk * (3*bulk + youngs) / (9*bulk - youngs) elif (lam is not None) and (pr is not None): return lam * (1 - pr) / pr elif (pr is not None) and (mu is not None): return 2. * pr * mu * (1-pr) / (1 - 2.*pr) elif (pr is not None) and (youngs is not None): return (1-pr) * youngs / ((1+pr) * (1 - 2.*pr)) elif (pr is not None) and (bulk is not None): return 3. * bulk * (1-pr) / (1+pr) elif (lam is not None) and (youngs is not None): # Note that this returns a tuple. x = np.sqrt(9*lam**2 + 2*youngs*lam + youngs**2) def b(y): return 1/2. * (-1*lam + youngs + y) # Strictly, we should return b(x), b(-x) # But actually, the answer is: return b(x) else: return None
[docs]def vp(youngs=None, vs=None, rho=None, mu=None, lam=None, bulk=None, pr=None, pmod=None): """ Computes Vp given bulk density and any two elastic moduli (e.g. lambda and mu, or Young's and P moduli). SI units only. Args: Any 2 from lam, mu, youngs, pr, pmod, bulk Rho Returns: Vp in m/s """ if (mu is not None) and (lam is not None) and (rho is not None): return np.sqrt((lam + 2.*mu) / rho) elif (youngs is not None) and (mu and rho is not None): return np.sqrt(mu * (youngs - 4.*mu) / (rho * (youngs - 3.*mu))) elif (youngs is not None) and (pr and rho is not None): return np.sqrt(youngs * (1 - pr) / (rho * (1+pr) * (1 - 2.*pr))) elif (bulk is not None) and (lam and rho is not None): return np.sqrt((9.*bulk - 2.*lam) / rho) elif (bulk is not None) and (mu is not None and rho is not None): return np.sqrt((bulk + 4.*mu/3.) / rho) elif (lam is not None) and (pr and rho is not None): return np.sqrt(lam * (1. - pr) / (pr*rho)) elif (bulk is not None) and (vs and rho is not None): return np.sqrt((bulk / rho) + (4/3)*(vs**2)) else: return None
[docs]def vs(youngs=None, vp=None, rho=None, mu=None, lam=None, bulk=None, pr=None, pmod=None): """ Computes Vs given bulk density and shear modulus. SI units only. Args: Mu Rho Returns: Vs in m/s """ if (mu is not None) and (rho is not None): return np.sqrt(mu / rho) else: return None
[docs]def moduli_dict(vp, vs, rho): """ Computes elastic moduli given Vp, Vs, and rho. SI units only. Args: Vp, Vs, and rho Returns: A dict of elastic moduli, plus P-wave impedance. """ mod = {} mod['imp'] = vp * rho mod['mu'] = mu(vs=vs, rho=rho) mod['pr'] = pr(vp=vp, vs=vs, rho=rho) mod['lam'] = lam(vp=vp, vs=vs, rho=rho) mod['bulk'] = bulk(vp=vp, vs=vs, rho=rho) mod['pmod'] = pmod(vp=vp, rho=rho) mod['youngs'] = youngs(vp=vp, vs=vs, rho=rho) return mod