Source code for bruges.rockphysics.anisotropy

Anisotropy effects.

Backus anisotropy is from thin layers.

Hudson anisotropy is from crack defects.

:copyright: 2015 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
from collections import namedtuple
#from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

from bruges.rockphysics import moduli
from bruges.util import moving_average

[docs]def backus_parameters(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz): """ Intermediate parameters for Backus averaging. This is expected to be a private function. You probably want backus() and not this. Args: vp (ndarray): P-wave interval velocity. vs (ndarray): S-wave interval velocity. rho (ndarray): Bulk density. lb (float): The Backus averaging length in m. dz (float): The depth sample interval in m. Returns: tuple: Liner's 5 intermediate parameters: A, C, F, L and M. Notes: Liner, C (2014), Long-wave elastic attenuation produced by horizontal layering. The Leading Edge, June 2014, p 634-638. """ lam = moduli.lam(vp, vs, rho) mu =, vs, rho) # Compute the layer parameters from Liner (2014) equation 2: a = rho * np.power(vp, 2.0) # Acoustic impedance # Compute the Backus parameters from Liner (2014) equation 4: A1 = 4 * moving_average(mu*(lam+mu)/a, lb/dz, mode='same') A = A1 + np.power(moving_average(lam/a, lb/dz, mode='same'), 2.0)\ / moving_average(1.0/a, lb/dz, mode='same') C = 1.0 / moving_average(1.0/a, lb/dz, mode='same') F = moving_average(lam/a, lb/dz, mode='same')\ / moving_average(1.0/a, lb/dz, mode='same') L = 1.0 / moving_average(1.0/mu, lb/dz, mode='same') M = moving_average(mu, lb/dz, mode='same') BackusResult = namedtuple('BackusResult', ['A', 'C', 'F', 'L', 'M']) return BackusResult(A, C, F, L, M)
# # def vectorize(func): # """ # Decorator to make sure the inputs are arrays. We also add a dimension # to theta to make the functions work in an 'outer product' way. # # Takes a reflectivity function requiring Vp, Vs, and RHOB for 2 rocks # (upper and lower), plus incidence angle theta, plus kwargs. Returns # that function with the arguments transformed to ndarrays. # """ # @wraps(func) # def wrapper(vp1, vs1, rho1, vp2, vs2, rho2, theta1=0, **kwargs): # vp = np.asanyarray(vp, dtype=float) # vs = np.asanyarray(vs, dtype=float) + 1e-12 # Prevent singular matrix. # rho = np.asanyarray(rho, dtype=float) # lb = np.asanyarray(lb, dtype=float).reshape((-1, 1)) # dz = np.asanyarray(dz, dtype=float) # return func(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz) # return wrapper
[docs]def backus(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz): """ Backus averaging. Using Liner's algorithm (2014; see Notes). Args: vp (ndarray): P-wave interval velocity. vs (ndarray): S-wave interval velocity. rho (ndarray): Bulk density. lb (float): The Backus averaging length in m. dz (float): The depth sample interval in m. Returns: namedtuple: the smoothed logs: vp, vs, plus rho. Useful for computing other elastic parameters at a seismic scale. Notes: Liner, C (2014), Long-wave elastic attenuation produced by horizontal layering. The Leading Edge, June 2014, p 634-638. """ # Compute the Backus parameters: A, C, F, L, M = backus_parameters(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz) # Compute the vertical velocities from Liner (2014) equation 5: R = moving_average(rho, lb/dz, mode='same') vp0 = np.sqrt(C / R) vs0 = np.sqrt(L / R) BackusResult = namedtuple('BackusResult', ['Vp', 'Vs', 'rho']) return BackusResult(Vp=vp0, Vs=vs0, rho=R)
[docs]def backus_quality_factor(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz): """ Compute Qp and Qs from Liner (2014) equation 10. Args: vp (ndarray): P-wave interval velocity. vs (ndarray): S-wave interval velocity. rho (ndarray): Bulk density. lb (float): The Backus averaging length in m. dz (float): The depth sample interval in m. Returns: namedtuple: Qp and Qs. """ vp0, vs0, _ = backus(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz) ptemp = np.pi * np.log(vp0 / vp) / (np.log(vp0 / vp) + np.log(lb/dz)) Qp = 1.0 / np.tan(ptemp) stemp = np.pi * np.log(vs0 / vs) / (np.log(vs0 / vs) + np.log(lb/dz)) Qs = 1.0 / np.tan(stemp) BackusResult = namedtuple('BackusResult', ['Qp', 'Qs']) return BackusResult(Qp=Qp, Qs=Qs)
[docs]def thomsen_parameters(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz): """ Liner, C, and T Fei (2006). Layer-induced seismic anisotropy from full-wave sonic logs: Theory, application, and validation. Geophysics 71 (6), p D183–D190. DOI:10.1190/1.2356997 Args: vp (ndarray): P-wave interval velocity. vs (ndarray): S-wave interval velocity. rho (ndarray): Bulk density. lb (float): The Backus averaging length in m. dz (float): The depth sample interval in m. Returns: namedtuple: delta, epsilon and gamma. """ A, C, F, L, M = backus_parameters(vp, vs, rho, lb, dz) delta = ((F + L)**2.0 - (C - L)**2.0) / (2.0 * C * (C - L)) epsilon = (A - C) / (2.0 * C) gamma = (M - L) / (2.0 * L) ThomsenParameters = namedtuple('ThomsenParameters', ['δ', 'ε', 'γ']) return ThomsenParameters(delta, epsilon, gamma)
[docs]def dispersion_parameter(qp): """ Kjartansson (1979). Journal of Geophysical Research, 84 (B9), 4737-4748. DOI: 10.1029/JB084iB09p04737. """ return np.arctan(1/qp) / np.pi
[docs]def blangy(vp1, vs1, rho1, d1, e1, vp0, vs0, rho0, d0, e0, theta): """ Blangy, JP, 1994, AVO in transversely isotropic media-An overview. Geophysics 59 (5), 775-781. DOI: 10.1190/1.1443635 Provide Vp, Vs, rho, delta, epsilon for the upper and lower intervals, and theta, the incidence angle. :param vp1: The p-wave velocity of the upper medium. :param vs1: The s-wave velocity of the upper medium. :param rho1: The density of the upper medium. :param d1: Thomsen's delta of the upper medium. :param e1: Thomsen's epsilon of the upper medium. :param vp0: The p-wave velocity of the lower medium. :param vs0: The s-wave velocity of the lower medium. :param rho0: The density of the lower medium. :param d0: Thomsen's delta of the lower medium. :param e0: Thomsen's epsilon of the lower medium. :param theta: A scalar [degrees]. :returns: the isotropic and anisotropic reflectivities in a tuple. The isotropic result is equivalent to Aki-Richards. TODO Use rocks. """ lower = {'vp': vp0, 'vs': vs0, 'rho': rho0, 'd': d0, 'e': e0, } upper = {'vp': vp1, 'vs': vs1, 'rho': rho1, 'd': d1, 'e': e1, } # Redefine theta inc_angle = np.radians(theta) trans_angle = np.arcsin(np.sin(inc_angle) * lower['vp']/upper['vp']) theta = 0.5 * (inc_angle + trans_angle) vp = (upper['vp'] + lower['vp'])/2.0 vs = (upper['vs'] + lower['vs'])/2.0 rho = (upper['rho'] + lower['rho'])/2.0 dvp = lower['vp'] - upper['vp'] dvs = lower['vs'] - upper['vs'] drho = lower['rho'] - upper['rho'] dd = lower['d'] - upper['d'] de = lower['e'] - upper['e'] A = 0.5 * (drho/rho + dvp/vp) B = 2.0 * (vs**2 / vp**2) * ((drho/rho + 2 * dvs/vs)) * np.sin(theta)**2 C = 0.5 * (dvp/vp) * np.tan(theta)**2 D = 0.5 * dd * np.sin(theta)**2 E = 0.5 * (dd - de) * np.sin(theta)**2 * np.tan(theta)**2 isotropic = A - B + C anisotropic = isotropic + D - E BlangyResult = namedtuple('BlangyResult', ['isotropic', 'anisotropic']) return BlangyResult(isotropic, anisotropic)
[docs]def ruger(vp1, vs1, rho1, d1, e1, vp2, vs2, rho2, d2, e2, theta): """ Coded by Alessandro Amato del Monte and (c) 2016 by him Rüger, A., 1997, P -wave reflection coefficients for transversely isotropic models with vertical and horizontal axis of symmetry: Geophysics, v. 62, no. 3, p. 713–722. Provide Vp, Vs, rho, delta, epsilon for the upper and lower intervals, and theta, the incidence angle. :param vp1: The p-wave velocity of the upper medium. :param vs1: The s-wave velocity of the upper medium. :param rho1: The density of the upper medium. :param d1: Thomsen's delta of the upper medium. :param e1: Thomsen's epsilon of the upper medium. :param vp0: The p-wave velocity of the lower medium. :param vs0: The s-wave velocity of the lower medium. :param rho0: The density of the lower medium. :param d0: Thomsen's delta of the lower medium. :param e0: Thomsen's epsilon of the lower medium. :param theta: A scalar [degrees]. :returns: anisotropic reflectivity. """ a = np.radians(theta) vp = np.mean([vp1, vp2]) vs = np.mean([vs1, vs2]) z = np.mean([vp1*rho1, vp2*rho2]) g = np.mean([rho1*vs1**2, rho2*vs2**2]) dvp = vp2-vp1 z2, z1 = vp2*rho2, vp1*rho1 dz = z2-z1 dg = rho2*vs2**2 - rho1*vs1**2 dd = d2-d1 de = e2-e1 A = 0.5*(dz/z) B = 0.5*(dvp/vp - (2*vs/vp)**2 * (dg/g) + dd) * np.sin(a)**2 C = 0.5*(dvp/vp + de) * np.sin(a)**2 * np.tan(a)**2 R = A+B+C return R
[docs]def crack_density(porosity, aspect): """ Returns crack density from porosity and aspect ratio, phi and alpha respectively in the unnumbered equation between 15.40 and 15.41 in Dvorkin et al. 2014. Args: porosity (float): Fractional porosity. aspect (float): Aspect ratio. Returns: float: Crack density. """ if porosity >= 1: porosity /= 100. return 3 * porosity / (4 * np.pi * aspect)
[docs]def hudson_delta_M(porosity, aspect, mu, lam=None, pmod=None): """ The approximate reduction in compressional modulus M in the direction normal to a set of aligned cracks. Eqn 15.40 in Dvorkin et al (2014). Args: porosity (float): Fractional porosity, phi. aspect (float): Aspect ratio, alpha. mu (float): Shear modulus, sometimes called G. lam (float): Lame's first parameter. pmod (float): Compressional modulus, M. Returns: float: M_inf - M_0 = \Delta c_11. """ epsilon = crack_density(porosity, aspect) if lam: return epsilon * (lam**2 / mu) * 4*(lam + 2*mu)/(3*lam + 3*mu) else: return (4*epsilon/3) * ((pmod - 2*mu)**2 / mu) * (pmod/(pmod-mu))
[docs]def hudson_delta_G(porosity, aspect, mu, lam=None, pmod=None): """ The approximate reduction in shear modulus G (or mu) in the direction normal to a set of aligned cracks. Eqn 15.42 in Dvorkin et al (2014). Args: porosity (float): Fractional porosity, phi. aspect (float): Aspect ratio, alpha. mu (float): Shear modulus, sometimes called G. lam (float): Lame's first parameter, lambda. pmod (float): Compressional modulus, M. Returns: float: M_inf - M_0 = \Delta c_11. """ epsilon = crack_density(porosity, aspect) if lam: return epsilon * mu * 16*(lam + 2*mu)/(9*lam + 12*mu) else: return (16*mu*epsilon/3) * pmod / (3*pmod - 2*mu)
[docs]def hudson_quality_factor(porosity, aspect, mu, lam=None, pmod=None): """ Returns Q_p and Q_s for cracked media. Equations 15.41 and 15.43 in Dvorkin et al. (2014). Args: porosity (float): Fractional porosity, phi. aspect (float): Aspect ratio, alpha. mu (float): Shear modulus, sometimes called G. lam (float): Lame's first parameter, lambda. pmod (float): Compressional modulus, M. Returns: float: Q_p float: Q_s """ Qp = 2*mu / hudson_delta_M(porosity, aspect, mu, lam, pmod) Qs = 2*mu / hudson_delta_G(porosity, aspect, mu, lam, pmod) return Qp, Qs
[docs]def hudson_inverse_Q_ratio(mu=None, pmod=None, pr=None, vp=None, vs=None, aligned=True): """ Dvorkin et al. (2014), Eq 15.44 (aligned) and 15.48 (not aligned). You must provide one of the following: `pr`, or `vp` and `vs`, or `mu` and `pmod`. Args: mu (float): Shear modulus, sometimes called G. pmod (float): Compressional modulus, M. pr (float): Poisson's ratio, somtimes called v. vp (ndarray): P-wave interval velocity. vs (ndarray): S-wave interval velocity. aligned (bool): Either treats cracks as alligned (Default, True) or assumes defects are randomly oriented (False) Returns: float: 2Q_s^-1 """ if pr is not None: x = (2 - 2*pr) / (1 - 2*pr) elif (vp is not None) and (vs is not None): x = vp**2 / vs**2 elif (mu is not None) and (pmod is not None): x = pmod / mu else: raise TypeError("You must provide pr or (vp and vs) or (mu and pmod)") if aligned: return 0.25 * (x - 2)**2 * (3*x - 2) / (x**2 - x) else: a = 2*x / (3*x - 2) b = x / 3*(x - 1) return 1.25 * ((x - 2)**2 / (x - 1)) / (a + b)