Source code for bruges.petrophysics.petrophysics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

:copyright: 2018 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0

import numpy as np

[docs]def gardner(vp, alpha=310, beta=0.25, fps=False): """ Computes Gardner's density prediction from P-wave velocity. Args: vp (ndarray): P-wave velocity in m/s. alpha (float): The factor, 310 for m/s and 230 for ft/s. beta (float): The exponent, usually 0.25. fps (bool): Set to true for FPS and the equation will use the typical value for alpha. Overrides value for alpha, so if you want to use you own alpha, regardless of units, set this to False. Returns: ndarray: RHOB estimate in :math:`kg/m^3`. """ alpha = 230 if fps else alpha return alpha * vp ** beta
[docs]def inverse_gardner(rho, alpha=310, beta=0.25, fps=False): """ Computes Gardner's density prediction from P-wave velocity. Args: rho (ndarray): Density in kg/m^3. alpha (float): The factor, 310 for m/s and 230 for fps. beta (float): The exponent, usually 0.25. fps (bool): Set to true for FPS and the equation will use the typical value for alpha. Overrides value for alpha, so if you want to use your own alpha, regardless of units, set this to False. Returns: ndarray: Vp estimate in m/s. """ alpha = 230 if fps else alpha exponent = 1 / beta factor = 1 / alpha**exponent return factor * rho**exponent
velocity_to_density = gardner density_to_velocity = inverse_gardner
[docs]def porosity_to_density(phi, rho_matrix, rho_fluid): """ Get density from a porosity log. Typical values: - rho_matrix (sandstone) : 2650 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (limestome): 2710 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (dolomite): 2876 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (anyhydrite): 2977 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (salt): 20320 kg/m^3 - rho_fluid (fresh water): 1000 kg/m^3 - rho_fluid (salt water): 1100 kg/m^3 See Args: phi (ndarray): The porosity log. rho_matrix (float) rho_fluid (float) Returns: Estimate of bulk density, rho. """ return rho_matrix * (1 - phi) + rho_fluid * phi_rhob
[docs]def density_to_porosity(rho, rho_matrix, rho_fluid): """ Get density from a porosity log. Typical values: - rho_matrix (sandstone) : 2650 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (limestome): 2710 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (dolomite): 2876 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (anyhydrite): 2977 kg/m^3 - rho_matrix (salt): 20320 kg/m^3 - rho_fluid (fresh water): 1000 kg/m^3 - rho_fluid (salt water): 1100 kg/m^3 See Args: rho (ndarray): The bulk density log or RHOB. rho_matrix (float) rho_fluid (float) Returns: Estimate of porosity as a volume fraction. """ return (rho_matrix - rho) / (rho_matrix - rho_fluid)
[docs]def slowness_to_velocity(slowness): """ Convert a slowness log in µs per unit depth, to velocity in unit depth per second. Args: slowness (ndarray): A value or sequence of values. Returns: ndarray: The velocity. """ return 1e6 / np.array(slowness)
velocity_to_slowness = slowness_to_velocity
[docs]def gardner_param(vp, rhob): """ Finds optimal alpha and beta parameters for the gardner Volodymyr Vragov, October 2018 Args: rho(ndarray): Density. vp (ndarray): P-wave velocity. Returns: alpha (float): The factor. beta (float): The exponent, usually 0.25. """ params, _ = curve_fit(optimizer_gardner, rhob, vp) return params[0], params[1]
[docs]def error_flag(pred, actual, dev = 1.0, method = 1): """Calculate the difference between a predicted and an actual curve and return a log flagging large differences based on a user-defined distance (in standard deviation units) from the mean difference Matteo Niccoli, October 2018 Args: predicted (ndarray) = predicted log actual (ndarray) = original log dev (float) = standard deviations to use, default 1 error calcluation method (int), default 1 1: difference between curves larger than mean difference plus dev 2: curve slopes have opposite sign 3: curve slopes of opposite sign OR difference larger than mean plus dev Returns: flag (ndarray) = error flag curve """ flag = np.zeros(len(pred)) err = np.abs(pred-actual) err_mean = np.mean(err) err_std = np.std(err) ss = np.sign(pred.diff().fillna(pred)) ls = np.sign(actual.diff().fillna(actual)) if method == 1: flag[np.where(err>(err_mean + (dev*err_std)))] = 1 elif method == 2: flag[np.where((ss + ls)==0 )]= 1 elif method == 3: flag[np.where(np.logical_or(err>(err_mean + (dev*err_std)), (ss+ls)==0 ))]= 1 return flag
[docs]def optimize_inverse_gardner(rho, alpha, beta): """ Wrapper function to pass inverse_gardner to scipy.curve_fit to get optimal alpha and beta parameters Matteo Niccoli and Volodymyr Vragov, October 2018 Args: rho(ndarray): Density. alpha (float): The factor. beta (float): The exponent. Returns: inverse_gardner: this is passed to scipy.curve_fit as, for example: popt_synt, pcov = scipy.curve_fit(optimize_inverse_gardner, rho, vp) For a full example, please read: """ return inverse_gardner(rho, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)