Source code for bruges.filters.filters


:copyright: 2015 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.signal

from bruges.bruges import BrugesError
from bruges.util import apply_along_axis
from bruges.util import nearest
from bruges.util import rms as rms_

[docs]def mean(arr, size=5): """ A linear n-D smoothing filter. Can be used as a moving average on 1D data. Args: arr (ndarray): an n-dimensional array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if not size // 2: size += 1 return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, np.mean, size=size)
[docs]def rms(arr, size=5): """ A linear n-D smoothing filter. Can be used as a moving average on 1D data. Args: arr (ndarray): an n-dimensional array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if not size // 2: size += 1 return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, rms_, size=size)
[docs]def median(arr, size=5): """ A nonlinear n-D edge-preserving smoothing filter. Args: arr (ndarray): an n-dimensional array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if not size // 2: size += 1 return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, np.median, size=size)
[docs]def mode(arr, size=5, tie='smallest'): """ A nonlinear n-D categorical smoothing filter. Use this to filter non- continuous variables, such as categorical integers, e.g. to label facies. Args: arr (ndarray): an n-dimensional array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. tie (str): `'smallest'` or `'largest`'. In the event of a tie (i.e. two or more values having the same count in the kernel), whether to give back the smallest of the tying values, or the largest. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ def func(this, tie): if tie == 'smallest': m, _ = scipy.stats.mode(this) else: m, _ = -scipy.stats.mode(-this) return np.squeeze(m) arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if not size // 2: size += 1 return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, func, size=size, extra_keywords={'tie': tie} )
[docs]def snn(arr, size=5, include=True): """ Symmetric nearest neighbour, a nonlinear 2D smoothing filter. Args: arr (ndarray): a 2D array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. include (bool): whether to include the central pixel itself. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ def func(this, pairs, include): """ Deal with this patch. """ centre = this[this.size // 2] select = [nearest(this[p], centre) for p in pairs] if include: select += [centre] return np.mean(select) arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if arr.ndim != 2: raise BrugesError("arr must have 2-dimensions") if not size // 2: size += 1 pairs = [[i, size**2-1 - i] for i in range(size**2 // 2)] return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, func, size=size, extra_keywords={'pairs': pairs, 'include': include} )
[docs]def kuwahara(arr, size=5): """ Kuwahara, a nonlinear 2D smoothing filter. Args: arr (ndarray): a 2D array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5. Should be odd, rounded up if not. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ def func(this, s, k): """ Deal with this patch. """ t = this.reshape((s, s)) sub = np.array([t[:k, :k].flatten(), t[:k, k-1:].flatten(), t[k-1:, :k].flatten(), t[k-1:, k-1:].flatten()] ) select = sub[np.argmin(np.var(sub, axis=1))] return np.mean(select) arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if arr.ndim != 2: raise BrugesError("arr must have 2-dimensions") if not size // 2: size += 1 k = int(np.ceil(size / 2)) return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, func, size=size, extra_keywords={'s': size, 'k': k, } )
[docs]def conservative(arr, size=5, supercon=False): """ Conservative, a nonlinear n-D despiking filter. Very conservative! Only changes centre value if it is outside the range of all the other values in the kernel. Read Args: arr (ndarray): an n-dimensional array, such as a seismic horizon. size (int): the kernel size, e.g. 5 for 5x5 (in a 2D arr). Should be odd, rounded up if not. supercon (bool): whether to be superconservative. If True, replaces pixel with min or max of kernel. If False (default), replaces pixel with mean of kernel. Returns: ndarray: the resulting smoothed array. """ def func(this, k, supercon): this = this.flatten() centre = this[k] rest = [this[:k], this[-k:]] mi, ma = np.nanmin(rest), np.nanmax(rest) if centre < mi: return mi if supercon else np.mean(rest) elif centre > ma: return ma if supercon else np.mean(rest) else: return centre arr = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float) if not size // 2: size += 1 k = int(np.floor(size**arr.ndim / 2)) return scipy.ndimage.generic_filter(arr, func, size=size, extra_keywords={'k': k, 'supercon': supercon, } )
[docs]def rotate_phase(s, phi, degrees=False): r""" Performs a phase rotation of wavelet or wavelet bank using: .. math:: A = w(t)\cos\phi - h(t)\sin\phi where `w(t)` is the wavelet, `h(t)` is its Hilbert transform, and \phi is the phase rotation angle (default is radians). The analytic signal can be written in the form :math:`S(t) = A(t)e^{j\theta (t)}` where :math:`A(t) = \left| h(w(t)) \right|` and :math:`\theta(t) = \tan^{-1}[h(w(t))]`. `A(t)` is called the "reflection strength" and :math:`\phi(t)` is called the "instantaneous phase". A constant phase rotation :math:`\phi` would produce the analytic signal :math:`S(t)=A(t)e^{j(\theta(t) + \phi)}`. To get the non-analytic signal, we take .. math:: real(S(t)) &= A(t)\cos(\theta(t) + \phi) \\ &= A(t)\cos\theta(t)\cos(\phi)-\sin\theta(t)\sin(\phi))\\ &= w(t)\cos\phi-h(t)\sin\phi Args: w (ndarray): The wavelet vector, can be a 2D wavelet bank. phi (float): The phase rotation angle (in radians) to apply. degrees (bool): If phi is in degrees not radians. Returns: The phase rotated signal (or bank of signals). """ # Make sure the data is at least 2D to apply_along data = np.atleast_2d(s) # Get Hilbert transform. This will be 2D. a = apply_along_axis(scipy.signal.hilbert, data, axis=0) # Transform angles into what we need. phi = np.asanyarray(phi).reshape(-1, 1, 1) if degrees: phi = np.radians(phi) rotated = np.real(a) * np.cos(phi) - np.imag(a) * np.sin(phi) return np.squeeze(rotated)