Source code for bruges.attribute.spectraldecomp

Spectral decomposition

:copyright: 2015 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
import numpy as np
from .spectrogram import spectrogram

[docs]def spectraldecomp(data, f=(0.1, 0.25, 0.4), window_length=32, dt=1, window_type='hann', overlap=1, normalize=False): """ Uses the STFT to decompose traces into normalized spectra. Only frequencies defined by the user will be output. Using 3 frequencies will work for RGB color plots. :param data: A 1/2D array (samples, traces) of data that will be decomposed. :keyword f: A list of frequencies to select from the spectra. :keyword window_length: The length of fft window to use for the STFTs. Defaults to 32. Can be provided in seconds if dt is specified. :keyword dt: The time sample interval of the traces. :keyword window_type: The type of window to use for the STFT. The same input as scipy.signal.get_window. :keyword overlap: The fraction of overlap between adjacent STFT windows :keyword normalize: Normalize the energy in each STFT window :returns: an array of shape (samples, traces, f) """ # Do the 1D case if len(data.shape) == 1: ntraces = 1 else: ntraces = data.shape[-1] if overlap > 1: overlap = 1 zp = 4 * window_length # TODO We should think about removing these for loops for i in range(ntraces): if(ntraces == 1): spect = spectrogram(data, window_length, dt=dt, window_type=window_type, overlap=overlap, normalize=normalize, zero_padding=zp) if(i == 0): output = np.zeros((spect.shape[0], len(f))) else: spect = spectrogram(data[:, i], window_length, dt=dt, window_type=window_type, overlap=overlap, normalize=normalize, zero_padding=zp) if(i == 0): output = np.zeros((spect.shape[0], ntraces, len(f))) res = ((1. / dt) / 2.) / spect.shape[-1] # TODO again, we should think about removing this loop for j in range(len(f)): index = int(f[j] / res) if(ntraces == 1): output[:, j] = spect[:, index] else: output[:, i, j] = spect[:, index] return(output)