Source code for bruges.attribute.dipsteer

A dip attribute, probably most useful for guiding other attributes.

:copyright: 2015 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from .energy import energy

[docs]def dipsteer(data, window_length, stepout, maxlag, overlap=1, dt=1, return_correlation=False): """ Calculates a dip field by finding the maximum correlation between adjacent traces. :param data (ndarray): A 2D seismic section (samples,traces) used to calculate dip. :param window_length (float): The length [in ms] of the window to use. :param stepout (int): The number of traces on either side of each point to average when calculating the dip. :param maxlag (float): The maximum amount time lag to use when correlating the traces. :keyword overlap (float): The fractional overlap for each window. A value of 0 uses no redudant data, a value of 1 slides the dip correlator one sample at a time. Defaults to 1. :keyword dt (float): The time sample interval in ms. :keyword return_correlation (bool): Whether to return the correlation coefficients. If you choose True, you'll get a tuple, not an ndarray. :returns: a dip field [samples/trace] of the same shape as the input data (and optionally correlation coefficients, in which case you'll get a tuple of ndarrays back). """ maxlag = int(maxlag) dip = np.zeros(data.shape) crcf = np.zeros(data.shape) window_length = int(np.floor(window_length / dt)) # Force the window length to be odd for index tracking. if not (window_length % 2): window_length += 1 # Define time windows. if overlap == 1: stride = 1 else: stride = int(window_length * (1 - overlap)) n_windows = np.ceil((data.shape[0] - window_length) / stride) + 1 # Normalize each trace to the same RMS energy. norm_factor = np.sqrt(np.abs(energy(data, window_length))) norm_data = data / (norm_factor + 1e-9) # To avoid div0 error. # Replace the 0/0 with 0. norm_data = np.nan_to_num(norm_data) # Mid point in the data which corresponds to zero dip. zero_dip = (np.floor(window_length / 2.0) + maxlag) s = stepout + 1 # Loop over each trace we can do a full calculation for. for i in np.arange(s, data.shape[-1] - s): i = int(i) # Loop over each time window. for j in np.arange(0, n_windows): start = int((j * stride) + (maxlag)) end = start + window_length # Don't compute last samples if we don't have a full window. if (end > (norm_data.shape[0]-maxlag)): break kernel = norm_data[start: end, i] dips_j, crcf_j = 0, 0 # Correlate with adjacent traces. for k in np.arange(1, s): k = int(k) # Do the trace on the right. r_trace = norm_data[start - (k*maxlag): end + (k*maxlag), i+k] cor_r = np.correlate(kernel, r_trace, mode='same') if (np.amax(cor_r) < .1): dip_r = 0 else: dip_r = (np.argmax(cor_r) - zero_dip) / k # Do the left trace. l_trace = norm_data[start - (k*maxlag): end + (k*maxlag), i-k] cor_l = np.correlate(kernel, l_trace, mode='same') if (np.amax(cor_l) < .1): dip_l = 0 else: dip_l = -(np.argmax(cor_l) - zero_dip) / k dips_j += dip_r + dip_l crcf_j += np.argmin(cor_l) + np.argmin(cor_r) # Average the result dips_j /= (2. * stepout) crcf_j /= (2. * stepout) # Update the output dip[start: start+stride, i] = dips_j crcf[start: start+stride, i] = crcf_j if return_correlation: DipSteer = namedtuple('DipSteer', ['dip', 'correlation_coeff']) return DipSteer(dip, crcf) else: return dip