Source code for bruges.attribute.complex

Complex trace attributes.

:copyright: 2021 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hilbert

[docs]def instantaneous_amplitude(traces): """ Compute instantaneous amplitude, also known as the envelope or reflection strength. The attribute is computed over the last dimension. That is, time should be in the last dimension, so a 100 inline, 100 crossline seismic volume with 250 time slices would have shape (100, 100, 250). Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ return np.abs(hilbert(traces))
envelope = instantaneous_amplitude reflection_strength = instantaneous_amplitude
[docs]def quadrature(traces): """ Compute the quadrature trace. See Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ h = hilbert(traces) return np.abs(h) * np.sin(np.log(h).imag)
[docs]def instantaneous_phase(traces): """ Compute the instantaneous phase of the data. .. math:: \\phi(t) = {\\rm Im}[\\ln h(t)] See Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ return np.angle(hilbert(traces))
def _inst_freq_claerbout(traces, dt): """ Compute the instantaneous frequency using Claerbout's (1985) approximation. This is also the formulation given in Yilmaz (2001). Formulation from Barnes, A, 2016, Handbook of Poststack Seismic Attributes, SEG Books. Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. dt (float): The sample interval in seconds, e.g. 0.004 for 4 ms sample interval (250 Hz sample frequency). Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ h = hilbert(traces) term = (h[1:] - h[:-1]) / (h[1:] + h[:-1]) return (1 / (np.pi * dt)) * np.imag(term) def _inst_freq_scheuer_oldenburg(traces, dt): """Instantaneous frequency after Scheuer & Oldenburg (1988). Scheuer, TE and DW Oldenburg (1988). Local phase velocity from complex seismic data. Geophysics 53 (12), p1503. DOI: Formulation from Barnes, A, 2016, Handbook of Poststack Seismic Attributes, SEG Books: .. math:: f_i(t) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \ \mathrm{Im} \left[\frac{h'(t)}{h(t)} \right] \approx \frac{1}{\pi T} \ \mathrm{Im} \left[\frac{h(t+T) - h(t)}{h(t+T) + h(t)} \right] Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. dt (float): The sample interval in seconds, e.g. 0.004 for 4 ms sample interval (250 Hz sample frequency). Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ y = quadrature(traces) expr = (traces[:-1] * y[1:] - traces[1:] * y[:-1]) / (traces[:-1] * traces[1:] + y[1:] * y[:-1]) return (1 / (2 * np.pi * dt)) * np.arctan(expr)
[docs]def instantaneous_frequency(traces, dt, kind='so', percentile_clip=99): """ Compute instantaneous frequency with a discrete approximation. The attribute is computed over the last dimension. That is, time should be in the last dimension, so a 100 inline, 100 crossline seismic volume with 250 time slices would have shape (100, 100, 250). These attributes can be noisy so a percentile clips is applied. Args: traces (ndarray): The data array to use for calculating energy. dt (float): The sample interval in seconds, e.g. 0.004 for 4 ms sample interval (250 Hz sample frequency). kind (str): "scipy", "claerbout" or "so" to denote a naive method from the SciPy docs, Claerbout's (1985) method or that of Scheuer & Oldenburg (1988). Claerbout's approximation is not stable above about half the Nyquist frequency (i.e. one quarter of the sampling frequency). The SciPy implementation is not recommended for seismic data. percentile_clip (float): Percentile at which to clip the data. Computed from the absolute values, clipped symmetrically at -p and +p, where p is the value at the 98th percentile. Returns: ndarray: An array the same dimensions as the input array. """ methods = {'claerbout': _inst_freq_claerbout, 'so': _inst_freq_scheuer_oldenburg, 'scipy': lambda traces, dt: np.diff(instantaneous_phase(traces)) / (2.0 * np.pi * dt), } func = methods.get(kind) if func is None: m = f'{kind} is not supported, use "so" (Scheuer-Oldenburg, recommended), "claerbout" or "scipy".' raise NotImplementedError(m) f = func(traces, dt) p = np.percentile(np.abs(f), percentile_clip) return np.clip(f, a_min=-p, a_max=p)