Source code for bruges.rockphysics.rpm

Rock physics models
@author: Alessandro Amato del Monte
import numpy as np

[docs]def critpor(K0, G0, phi, phic=0.4): """ Critical porosity, Nur et al. (1991, 1995) written by Alessandro Amato del Monte (2015) from Mavko et al., Rock Physics Handbook, p.353. Args: K0, G0: float or array_like Mineral bulk & shear modulus in GPa phi: float or array_like porosity phic: float or array_like critical porosity (default 0.4) Returns: Tuple: K_DRY, G_DRY: dry rock bulk & shear modulus in GPa """ K_DRY = K0 * (1-phi/phic) G_DRY = G0 * (1-phi/phic) return K_DRY, G_DRY
[docs]def hertzmindlin(K0, G0, phi, phic=0.4, Cn=8.6, P=10, f=1): ''' Hertz-Mindlin model written by Alessandro Amato del Monte (2015) from Mavko et al., Rock Physics Handbook, p.246 Args: K0, G0: mineral bulk & shear modulus in GPa phi: porosity phic: critical porosity (default 0.4) Cn: coordination nnumber (default 8.6) P: confining pressure in MPa (default 10) f: shear modulus correction factor, f=1 for dry pack with perfect adhesion between particles and f=0 for dry frictionless pack. Returns: Tuple: K_DRY, G_DRY: dry rock bulk & shear modulus in GPa ''' P /= 1e3 # converts pressure in same units as solid moduli (GPa) PR0=(3*K0-2*G0)/(6*K0+2*G0) # poisson's ratio of mineral mixture K_HM = (P*(Cn**2*(1-phic)**2*G0**2) / (18*np.pi**2*(1-PR0)**2))**(1/3) G_HM = ((2+3*f-PR0*(1+3*f))/(5*(2-PR0))) * ((P*(3*Cn**2*(1-phic)**2*G0**2)/(2*np.pi**2*(1-PR0)**2)))**(1/3) return K_HM, G_HM
[docs]def softsand(K0, G0, phi, phic=0.4, Cn=8.6, P=10, f=1): ''' Soft-sand (uncemented) model written by Alessandro Amato del Monte (2015) from Mavko et al., Rock Physics Handbook, p.258 Args: K0, G0: mineral bulk & shear modulus in GPa phi: porosity phic: critical porosity (default 0.4) Cn: coordination nnumber (default 8.6) P: confining pressure in MPa (default 10) f: shear modulus correction factor, f=1 for dry pack with perfect adhesion between particles and f=0 for dry frictionless pack Returns: Tuple: K_DRY, G_DRY: dry rock bulk & shear modulus in GPa ''' K_HM, G_HM = hertzmindlin(K0, G0, phi, phic, Cn, P, f) K_DRY =-4/3*G_HM + (((phi/phic)/(K_HM+4/3*G_HM)) + ((1-phi/phic)/(K0+4/3*G_HM)))**-1 tmp = G_HM/6*((9*K_HM+8*G_HM) / (K_HM+2*G_HM)) G_DRY = -tmp + ((phi/phic)/(G_HM+tmp) + ((1-phi/phic)/(G0+tmp)))**-1 return K_DRY, G_DRY
[docs]def stiffsand(K0, G0, phi, phic=0.4, Cn=8.6, P=10, f=1): ''' Stiff-sand model written by Alessandro Amato del Monte (2015) from Mavko et al., Rock Physics Handbook, p.260 Args: K0, G0: mineral bulk & shear modulus in GPa phi: porosity phic: critical porosity (default 0.4) Cn: coordination nnumber (default 8.6) P: confining pressure in MPa (default 10) f: shear modulus correction factor, f=1 for dry pack with perfect adhesion between particles and f=0 for dry frictionless pack Returns Tuple: K_DRY, G_DRY: dry rock bulk & shear modulus in GPa ''' K_HM, G_HM = hertzmindlin(K0, G0, phi, phic, Cn, P, f) K_DRY = -4/3*G0 + (((phi/phic)/(K_HM+4/3*G0)) + ((1-phi/phic)/(K0+4/3*G0)))**-1 tmp = G0/6*((9*K0+8*G0) / (K0+2*G0)) G_DRY = -tmp + ((phi/phic)/(G_HM+tmp) + ((1-phi/phic)/(G0+tmp)))**-1 return K_DRY, G_DRY
[docs]def contactcement(K0, G0, phi, phic=0.4, Cn=8.6, Kc=37, Gc=45, scheme=2): ''' Contact cement (cemented sand) model, Dvorkin-Nur (1996) written by Alessandro Amato del Monte (2015) from Mavko et al., Rock Physics Handbook, p.255 Args: K0, G0: mineral bulk & shear modulus in GPa phi: porosity phic: critical porosity (default 0.4) Cn: coordination nnumber (default 8.6) Kc, Gc: cement bulk & shear modulus in GPa (default 37, 45 i.e. quartz) scheme: 1=cement deposited at grain contacts, 2=in uniform layer around grains (default 2) Returns: Tuple: K_DRY, G_DRY: dry rock bulk & shear modulus in GPa ''' PR0=(3*K0-2*G0)/(6*K0+2*G0) PRc = (3*Kc-2*Gc)/(6*Kc+2*Gc) if scheme == 1: # scheme 1: cement deposited at grain contacts alpha = ((phic-phi)/(3*Cn*(1-phic))) ** (1/4) else: # scheme 2: cement evenly deposited on grain surface alpha = ((2*(phic-phi))/(3*(1-phic)))**(1/2) LambdaN = (2*Gc*(1-PR0)*(1-PRc)) / (np.pi*G0*(1-2*PRc)) N1 = -0.024153*LambdaN**-1.3646 N2 = 0.20405*LambdaN**-0.89008 N3 = 0.00024649*LambdaN**-1.9864 Sn = N1*alpha**2 + N2*alpha + N3 LambdaT = Gc/(np.pi*G0) T1 = -10**-2*(2.26*PR0**2+2.07*PR0+2.3)*LambdaT**(0.079*PR0**2+0.1754*PR0-1.342) T2 = (0.0573*PR0**2+0.0937*PR0+0.202)*LambdaT**(0.0274*PR0**2+0.0529*PR0-0.8765) T3 = 10**-4*(9.654*PR0**2+4.945*PR0+3.1)*LambdaT**(0.01867*PR0**2+0.4011*PR0-1.8186) St = T1*alpha**2 + T2*alpha + T3 K_DRY = 1/6*Cn*(1-phic)*(Kc+(4/3)*Gc)*Sn G_DRY = 3/5*K_DRY+3/20*Cn*(1-phic)*Gc*St return K_DRY, G_DRY